问:超银中学外籍学生报名是什么时间,需要什么条件吗? 答:我校第一阶段的招生报名时间是5月19日至26日面向全市中国学生招生、面向国内外的外籍学生招生。如果第一阶段招生不足,第二阶段为5月29日至6月4日,面向学校所在行政区中国学生招生、面向国内外的外籍学生招生(外籍学生报名时间与中国学生报名时间基本一致)。凡是在小学学习成绩良好,兴趣爱好广泛,愿意接受优质教育的小学生都可以来我校报名。外籍学生报名时要携带青岛市市内四区初中生招生报名单、五六年级《学生素质发展手册》、学生本人护照、一张一寸彩照和各类荣誉证书,以及监护人本人护照等。
问:我的孩子不在此报名阶段来中国,还可以报名到超银中学学习吗? 答:可以。因为各国家的教育体制、时间制度不同,每个国家的文化也不同,我校给予理解并允许外籍学生带齐报名所需材料来我校国际部报名即可。
问:我的孩子没有在中国上小学,所以没有青岛市市内四区初中生招生报名单、五六年级《学生素质发展手册》,中文水平一般化,还可以报名超银中学吗? 答:对于没在中国上小学的外籍学生,我校会安排对其进行简单的面试、测试,以了解学生具体情况,从而决定是否可以报名超银中学。
问:听说往年报名半夜排队,今年情况如何? 答:每年都有半夜排队的情况,去年还有的家长头天晚上就在校门口搭起了帐篷。其实报名时间先后和是否录取没有太大的关系,我们建议家长8:30来就可以了。
问:学校有校车吗,可以住宿吗? 答:市北校区、四方校区各有校车。校车站点根据学生家庭住址遍布我市主要行政区域。四方校区有部分学生宿舍。
问:今年国际部学费是多少? 答:今年国际部学费未调整,依然是25000元/学年。严格按照市物价局和教育局规定的标准合理收费。
问:超银中学今年是小班化吗,外籍学生与中国学生同班上课学习吗? 答:今年每个班在40人左右。就我校办学经验来看,成绩的高低、校风的优劣与是否小班化没有因果关系。外籍学生可直接插入对应年级的中国学生班级里学习,也可独立成班。
问:贵校主要优点和不足是什么? 答:我校主要的优点是:1.校风正、学风浓。大部分学生能做到“课前预习,不明白的地方主动问老师”,这对于一个十几岁的孩子来说,做到这一些就很不简单了。在公交车上,在课余时间,很多学生都在背单词,读课文,这反映出学生们养成了良好的学习习惯,把学习当乐趣,主动性强;2.教学成绩优异。我校从有第一届毕业生开始,每年都有70余人次在全国数、理、化等学科比赛中获奖。自教育部门取消学科竞赛后,在其他方面学生们也表现优异。如2010年我校就有150余人次在全国、省、市各级比赛中获奖。这些比赛不仅包括创新实验、科技论文,还包括科技、文体、征文、书画、演讲、辩论赛等。3.教师敬业精神强。超银的老师责任心非常强,孩子在校的表现,老师会通过飞信、电话让家长第一时间了解;遇到家长解决不了的问题,老师也能第一时间家访,协助家长做好孩子的心理疏导工作。4.我校于2006年经青岛市外国专家局,青岛市公安局出入境管理处和青岛市教育局等有关部门批准,可以直接接受外籍学生,并有为其办理来华签证的资质。2012年4月通过区、市教育局,省教育厅多层审批,经国家汉办/孔子学院设立为青岛HSK/YCT/BCT考试培训中心。我们设有全日制课程、中文衔接辅导课、HSK培训课程、汉语基础教育课程等。学校的不足主要体现在硬件条件差一些,尤其是市北校区操场面积太小。
问:外籍学生有学籍吗? 答:有,我校具有接受外籍学生的资质,可以为外籍学生注册学籍。
问:外籍学生的学籍与中国学生的学籍有什么区别呢? 答:没有区别,与中国学生学籍是一样的。
问:贵校作业多吗,会放松对外籍学生的作业要求吗? 答:对于超银的作业量,社会上有一种误解。我校的作业施行必做题和选作题,供学生根据自己的实际情况自由选择。对于学习成绩优异的学生,可以不以书面形式完成作业,以便拿出更多的时间发展自己的兴趣爱好。对于外籍学生,若没有语言上的阻碍,不会对其有特殊对待;若有语言上的不便,会根据其实际情况做出合理调整,但并不会放松对其作业要求。
问:学校午休和午餐情况如何? 答:学校实行半封闭管理。中午班主任和学生共进午餐,饭后40分钟午休,既保证午餐卫生,又使学生有充沛精力投入到下午的学习中。学校食堂是青岛市A级食堂,原材料均从青岛市“阳光工程”采购,严把饮食安全关。
问:超银的学生活动多吗,外籍学生可以参加吗? 答:我校秉承素质教育理念,注重学生全面发展。定期开展校级活动如:运动会、才艺展示、英语听说大赛、双语演讲比赛、赴境外的夏令营等,给学生提供了展现才华,展示自我的舞台。学生社团也是百花齐放:小记者团、文学社、合唱团、舞蹈社、桥牌社、琴韵社等都是我校的优质学生社团。凡是在某一方面有特长的学生,都可以自发申报、组织成立学生社团。社团定期组织活动,参加比赛并取得了优异的成绩。在培养学生竞争意识、协作精神和集体荣誉感的同时,还提升了学生们的人文素养。我校希望并鼓动外籍学生积极参加,这将有助于他们更快的融入到班集体。往年,我校有不少外籍学生积极参加各项活动并取得了优异的成绩。 问:听说贵校现在是“全国外语实验学校”,学校有哪些举措促使英语特色发展? 答:我校的英语教学成绩一直十分优异。自从去年年底被国家外语研究中心命名为“全国外语实验学校”以来,自本学期开始学校聘请了外教,开设外教课和英语沙龙课,提高学生英语学习的兴趣。另外,学校的大型活动全部采用双语主持和发言,从各个方面营造英语学习的氛围。
问:如果先报其他民办学校或局属中学,没录取上再报超银可以吗? 答:因为我校与其他民办学校和局属初中学校都是5月19日开始报名。所以家长要慎重选择第一志愿学校,不能兼报。
问:我的孩子在小学四年级,如果转到超银小学,毕业后可以直升超银中学吗? 答:可以。
问:许多外籍学生和家长因不会中文,在语言方面造成很多的不便,贵校采取什么措施呢? 答:在这方面,我校特设精通英语、韩语的老师,可以协助外籍学生和家长,以减少他们在语言上的不便。并且为中文零基础、基础薄弱的外籍学生开设了免费的中文衔接课程,每周在固定时间上课,以助于他们更快的融入到班级集体环境中。
问:青岛超银中学、超银国际部网址和咨询电话是什么? 答:青岛超银中学网址: 超银学校国际部网址:www. 超银学校国际部电话:86-532-85630332。 欢迎家长来电咨询。
Answers of Enrollment Questions of Chaoyin Middle School (Offered by International Department of Chaoyin Middle School)
Q: When can the foreign students apply for Chaoyin Middle School and what are the requirements? A: Our first enrolment period is from May 19 to 26 for Chinese students in Qingdao and all foreign students. If the number of students in the first period is not sufficient, the second period from May 29 to June 4 is available for Chinese students in the district where the school is located and all foreign students (the time of foreign students’ enrolment is almost the same as that of Chinese students).And pupils who obtained great marks in primary schools and are willing to receive quality education in middle school can apply for our school. Foreign students are required to bring Application Forms of Junior Middle School Students in Four Districts in Qingdao, Manuals of Students’ Quality (Grade 5 and 6), visas, photos (1 inch), prizes and visas of students’ guardians.
Q: If my children do not come into China during the enrollment period, can my children apply forChaoyin Middle School and learn there? A:Yes. Due to the difference of educational systems and cultures in different countries, foreign students can come to the International Department with required materials and carry out the enrollment procedures here.
Q: My children do not have theManual of Students’ Quality (Grade 5 and 6) because they do not go to primary school in China. And my children’s Chinese is plain. So can we apply for your school? A: We will arrange interviews and exams for foreign students who do not attend primary school in China so that we can decide whether the application can be approved or not.
Q: It is said that parents stayed up to queue for application in past years, how about this year? A: Parents stay up to queue for application every year. Last year, parents put up their tents on the previous night. Actually, the admission is irrelevant with the time of their application. We suggest that parents arrive at 8:30 a.m.
Q:Are there any school buses? And does the school provide accommodations? A:There are school buses in Shibei Campus and Sifang Campus. The distribution of stops is based on students’ home addresses. Accommodations of a certain number of students in Sifang Campus can be provided.
Q: How much is the tuition of International Department this year? A: Our department does not alter the fees which are still 25,000 yuan each year. This meets the standards prescribed by the Educational Bureau and the Prize Office in Qingdao.
Q: Do students inChaoyin Middle Schoollearnin small classes? And can foreign students and Chinese stay and learn in the same class? A: There are 40 (more or less) students in each class this year. According to our experience, students’ marks and the ethos of the school have nothing to do with small classes. Foreign students can join a class of Chinese students in the middle of the semester and they also can learn in a separate class.
Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of your school? A:The following is our advantages: 1, Our school has a positive ethos and students are fond of studying. Most students can do warm-ups before classes and ask teachers questions they do not understand, which is very advisable for teenagers. Many students spend their spare time in buses memorizing words and texts, from which students’ initiatives of learning are found. 2, Our students have good academic performance. Since the first graduates in our school, over 70 students have won prizes in national discipline contests. After the contests are cancelled by the educational department, our students also have outstanding performances in other areas. For instance, more than 150 students were awarded in various contests, including innovative experiments, technology and science papers, painting, calligraphy, speeches and debates and so on. 3, Our teachers are accepted as responsible. Our responsible teachers inform parents of students’ performances in school by calling and messaging them. When problems cannot be solved by parents, our teachers will visit the student’s home as soon as possible to assist them. 4, Our school wasauthorized by Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Education to enroll international students and handle X visa and Z visa for them. Approved by the District Board of Education, Provincial Department of Education and Confucius Institute in April 2012, our school was established as HSK/YCT/BCT examination and training center. In this way, various courses can be taught and learned here; including full-time courses, Chinese convergence training courses and Chinese elementary education courses, etc. As for our disadvantages, the equipments are not so good, especially the playground in Shibei campus.
Q;Do the foreign students have students’ status in your school? A;Yes, our school is qualified to accept foreign students and register the school roll for them.
Q: What is the difference between Chinese students’ status and foreign students’ status? A: There is no difference between the two.
Q: Is there a lot of homework after class? Can the foreign students have less homework? A: People misunderstand the homework in Chaoyin Middle School. There are required homework and optional homework, each of which is done according to students’ own decision. The top students can spend more time on their own habits without doing homework in the written form. As for foreign students, they cannot be treated differently if they have no obstacles in language. If they do have obstacles, appropriate adjustments are made but requirements of homework cannot be lowered.
Q: How are the lunch and the lunch break in your school? A: Half-closed management is applied in our school. The class teacher and students have lunch together. They can have a lunch break 40 minutes after the lunch, which makes it sure that students can be enthusiastic in the afternoon. And our canteen is an A-level canteen in Qingdao. The materials are purchased from the “Sunshine Project” in Qingdao so that our food is clean.
Q: Are there any activities of students inChaoyin Middle School? And can foreign students participate in theseactivities? A: Adhering the quality education and paying attention to students’ overall development, our school organizes activities, like the sports meeting, talent show, oral English contests, bilingual speech contests and summer camps in foreign countries to provide a stage for students to display their talents. Besides, there are outstanding performances in students’ associations. For example, the group of young reporters, literature club, dancing club, choir club, bridge club and the music club are quality students’ associations. Not only do they obtain great achievements in contests, ability of competitiveness and cooperation is also improved. We expect thatforeign students can participate in theseactivities for it can help them better assimilate into the class. And manyforeign studentsobtained great achievements intheseactivities.
Q: It is said that your school is the “National Foreign Language Experimental School”. And what measures are taken to promote English teaching? A: Our students always getgreat achievements in English performance. Since our school received the title ofNational Foreign Language Experimental School from national foreign language research center last year, we have employed foreign teachers and organized English saloons to improve students’ interests. What is more, formal activities in school are hosted in Chinese and English so as to create an environment to learn English.
Q: If students apply for other schools first, can they apply for Chaoyin Middle School after they are rejected? A: As the application date for our school and other schools is May 19, parents must think twice before making the choice because one can not apply for two schools. Q: My kid is in grade 4 in primary school. If he (she) applies for Chaoyin Primary School now, will he (she) be accepted intoChaoyin Middle School without exams? A: Yes.
Q: What kind of measures can be taken when foreign parents and students do not speak Chinese? A:English teachers and Korean teachers in our school can assist students and parents who have difficulties in speaking Chinese. Apart from this, foreign students who have basic knowledge of Chinese are provided with convergence Chinese classes each week in order that they can better be accepted by other classmates.
Q: Does your school have any websites or phones for further information? A: Websites of Chaoyin Middle School: Websites ofInternational Department of Chaoyin College: Tel of International Department of Chaoyin College: 86-532-85630332
Qingdao Chaoyin Middle School May 16, 2012 下一页:招生国际部答问(韩文版)
下一篇:“群星”闪耀 超银学生科技大赛获硕果