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岛城校长寄语新学期|青岛梅尔顿学校执行校长 唐毅婷

2024-08-28 15:35


Dear students, and teachers,

Good morning, andwelcome back to our vibrant academic community as we embark on a fresh academic journey. Today, as we stand at the threshold of a new semester, I am filled with joy to welcome each and every one of you back to our cherished campus.

First of all, let me extend a warm welcome to all our students who have returned from the summer break.Your laughter, energy, and aspirations have always been the lifeblood of Milton international school, and I am graceful to see you all gathered here again, ready to embark on new adventures and conquer new heights.

As we commence this new chapter, I would like to underscore a fundamental truth that guides us all:"The desire to learn is the starting point of learning." It is this innate curiosity, this desire to understandand achieve better, that determines the stage for ouracademic pursuits. It is not only aboutattending classesorcompleting assignments; it is aboutnurturing a mindset thatembraces challenges, seeks answers, andnever stops asking"why" and"how."

Remember, each of you possesses a unique set oftalents, passions,andperspectives. So, let us all strive to maintain that spark ofcuriosity, that drive toexplore anddiscover, as we navigate through the upcoming semester.


Looking ahead, I have high hopes and aspirations for our school.I envision a semester filled with intellectual rigor, creative expression, and personal growth. I encourage you all to embrace opportunities for collaboration, to engage in meaningful discussions, and to challenge yourselves academically and personally.

Let us strive for excellence in all that we do, recognizing that success is not solely measured by grades but by the depth of our understanding, the strength of our character, and the positive impact we make on those around us.

Furthermore, I urge you to foster a culture of respect, where every voice is heard, every idea is valued, and every individual feels a sense of belonging. Together, we can create a learning environment that is both enriching and empowering.

Dear everyone, as we embark on this new semester, let us remember thatthe journey ahead is filled with both challenges and rewards. Butwith the desire to learn as our compass, and the support of this remarkable community by our side, I have no doubt that we will overcome every obstacle and achieve a better self.

Once again, welcome back to campus. We are honored to be your teachers in this exciting academic endeavor, andI look forward to witnessing the many accomplishments and achievements that lie ahead.

Thank you, and let us begin!

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