青岛电子学校是教育部、信息产业部认定的全国中等职业学校计算机应用与软件技术专业技能型紧缺人才培训基地,是首批国家级重点职业学校、山东省职业教育教学示范校、青岛市文明单位标兵、青岛市教育教学先进学校、青岛市教育品牌名校和青岛市中小学德育工作先进集体。 学校座落于环境优美秀丽的海滨城市——青岛,分南北两个校区,占地面积3.3万平方米,建筑面积2.2万平方米,可容纳3000多名学生就读。学校有教职工200余人,其中硕士研究生近30人,拥有省市优秀教师、省市教学能手、省市德育先进、市青年教师优秀专业人才等称号者近70人。 学校拥有一流的实验设备,近五年来累计投入约2000万元巨资不断充实实验设施,满足了专业课教学需要,建起了充分满足专业课教学需要的各种实验室40个,其中仅计算机实验室就有16个,共有计算机1100台。还建有网络综合布线实验室、计算机与通讯实验室、电子电工综合实验室、可编程控制器实验室等,拥有性能优良的教育教学网络中心,每个教室都配有多媒体教学设备。校园网实现了三方面的功能:一是面向全体学生的多媒体教学环境,二是完成现代化管理的校长办公系统,三是构建了信息发布平台。 学校本着厚基础、宽口径、强技能、复合型的要求,构建了以能力为本位、以职业实践为主线、以岗位需求为依据的模块化课程模式。突出职业特色,突出实践教学,突出岗位技能培训。学校精心培养技能型人才,搭建起大专、普专、职专三个学历层次平台,设有计算机及应用、电子技术应用、电气技术应用三大类专业。计算机专业被教育部认定为全国中等职业教育首批示范专业,电子技术应用专业、电气技术应用专业被山东省教育厅认定为教学改革试点专业。 学校努力探索规模化、集约化、连锁化的办学道路。2008年牵头成立了青岛电子信息业职教集团,吸纳市内部分开设计算机、电子技术、电气技术等专业的职业院校和电子信息行业的知名企业,至今共有3家行业协会(学会)、40余家企业和16所职业学校加盟集团。 学校以其先进的设备、优良的师资、严谨的管理、优异的教学质量、广阔的升学与就业出路赢得了良好的社会声誉和办学效益,带来骄人的教育教学业绩,形成了办学质量的“三高”特点: 就业率高:学校先后与青岛特锐德电气、青岛LG浪潮、青岛海信、青岛海洋电子、朗讯科技等40余家企业签订校企合作、订单培养协议,就业率达100%。 对口高职升学率高:近几年我校共有3500余名学生被高等职业院校录取,其中有161名学生被本科院校录取,高职录取率达97%以上。 专业技能水平高:学校技能成绩优异。2006年省计算机技能大赛获得团体一等奖;市计算机技能比赛中获团体第一名。2007年我校有9位师生获得市技能大赛状元;在全国技能比赛中,我校参赛学生和老师全部获奖。 2008年我校在全国技能比赛中取得了团体二等奖,是山东省最好成绩。2009年在全国技能比赛中我校取得四银一铜的优异成绩。2010年在全国技能比赛中获得三枚金牌,在市技能大赛夺得5个状元。2011年在全国技能比赛中获得一枚金牌、三枚银牌和一枚铜牌,在青岛中职技能大赛中获得6个状元、8个一等奖。 在今后的发展中,学校将遵循“打造新电子,服务新经济”的发展思路,与时俱进,瞄准世界一流职业教育,创造条件,发挥优势,追求卓越,坚持“务实、进取、民主、清廉”的工作精神,百尺竿头,更进一步,努力把电子学校做大、做强、做活、做优。
Qingdao Electronics School is a national secondary vocational school, it is the training base for professional technical workers specializing in computer application and software technology accredited by National Ministry of Education and Ministry of Information Industry. It is one of the earliest recognized state-level key vocational schools, it is honored as the Teaching Demonstration School of Shandong provincial vocational education, one of the Municipal Pivots of the Civilized Work Units, one of the Municipal Most Excellent School in Teaching and Education, one of the municipal well-known education brand and one of the municipal Most Excellent Elementary and Middle Schools in Moral Education . The school is located in the beautiful seaside city - Qingdao. It has two campuses: the South Campus and the North Campus. It covers an area of 33,000 square meters in total, the construction area is about 22,000 square meters. It may hold more than 3000 students to study here. There are 200 teaching and administrative staff, nearly 30 of whom have Master’s degree, 70 of whom are honored titles of provincial and municipal Most Outstanding Teachers, Teaching Experts, and Outstanding Young Professionals. The school has 40 well-equipped laboratories which can meet the demand of the teaching of professional courses. There are 16 computer laboratories equipped by 1100 computers. We also have network synthesis wiring laboratory, the electronics and electrician synthesis laboratory and the programmable controller laboratory. Besides, we have a well-functioned network center, the multimedia teaching equipments are installed in each classroom. Three main functions have been realized through our campus network: multimedia teaching environment facing all the students, the principal’s modern management work system and the information delivery platform. The school is operated on the basis of thick foundation, high employment, professional and multi-skill request. We stress the importance of occupational and practical characteristics. We have built up three levels of diploma accreditations, that is, the college, the average technical secondary and vocational technical secondary majoring in computer application, the electronics technology application and electrical technology application. The major of computer application has been recognized as the demonstrative majors by National Ministry of Education, the majors of the electronics technology application and electrical technology application have been appointed as teaching reformation pilot majors by Shandong Provincial Department of Education. We are trying to explore a school-running road of formalization, intensification, and chain-likeness. In 2008, we took the lead to establish the Qingdao IT Vocational Education Group, at the same time, some local vocational colleges which also has the same majors and some well-known enterprises joined in. It is estimated that there are 3 industrial associations, more than 40 well-known enterprises and 16 vocational schools in this group. The school is very famous for its advanced equipment, the excellent teachers, the rigorous management, the outstanding quality of teaching, broad entrance to higher schools and high employment rate. It has the characteristic of “high three”: The employment rate is high. We have signed co-op contracts with over 40 enterprises such as Qingdao TGOOD Electric Co., Ltd, Qingdao The school successively and the Qingdao especially sharp Germany electricity, the Qingdao LG Tide, Qingdao Hisense, the Qingdao Ocean Electronics, Qingdao Lucent Technologies Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. etc. the employment rate has reached to 100%. The entrance rate to higher schools is high. In the past few years, about 3500 students have been enrolled by the higher vocational colleges, 161 of whom have become undergraduates of some universities. the entrance rate has reached to nearly 97%. The professional skill level is high. In 2008, we won the second prize of total group in National Vocational School Skills Competition. In 2009, we won fourSilver medals and oneCopper medal in the same competition. In 2010, we won threeGold medals. 5 Gold medals were obtained in Municipal Skill Competition in the year 2010. In 2011,We won one Gold Medal 、three Silver Medals and one Copper Medal in National Skill Competition . Six competitors got Number one and eight got the first prizes in Qingdao competition. We will try to follow the idea of “building a whole new school and serving the new economy” in the future work. We will keep pace with the times, aiming to build an outstanding vocational school.