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来源: 2014-03-03 18:01:31


2011年3月 开始就读于青岛大学GAC中心

2012年3月 毕业于青岛大学GAC中心及青岛第五十八中学

2012年8月 开始就读于美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶校区(UCLA)


在高中的时候我只是一个很普通的学生,除了英语成绩能拿的出手以外其他科目都成绩平平,因此在学校里也过的很是抑郁,感觉没有学习的热情和动力。后来来到了GAC,第一个月的学习立刻让我有了如鱼得水的感觉——在Listening& Speaking(学术听力与口语)课上与外教的全英文交流是我从未体会过的;通过课上与外教的交流和课后看美国电影,我对美国这个国家的理解立刻变得生动立体起来;在Reading& Writing(学术阅读与写作)课上读到的英文小说丰富了我的词汇量,也对我后来的写作和阅读产生了极大的影响。通过对《霍比特人》、《蝇王》等书籍的阅读我开始对美国高中生的阅读水平有了一定的了解。

我开始逐渐适应并享受这种学习节奏,在学习过程当中对于知识的渴望一直伴随着我,这种渴望是我在高中里从来没有得到过的。在第一次ACT考试之前GAC中心组织了多次模拟考试,我的成绩一直是第一名。当时的我十分自信,觉得自己肯定能够一次性拿下ACT考试,取得自己满意的成绩。人一旦自信过度就成为了自负,结果是我的第一次ACT考试成绩并不理想,与预期相差很远。知道成绩的时候距离第二次ACT考试只剩不到两个月,这期间还要应对我的最后一次托福考试以及GAC课程考试,时间紧,没有时间复习。当时我一度十分苦恼,感觉前途一片灰暗。"Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." 这是电影Batman Begins(蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜)里的台词,我一直将其奉为我的座右铭之一:“我们为什么跌倒?因为这样我们才能学会坚强的站起来。”两个月的时间,我不再依仗我的英语底子耍小聪明,掐时间一道题一道题的做模考,利用有限的时间积极的做考试准备,期间我也取得了优秀的托福成绩。第二次ACT考试,我终于取得了令我满意的成绩。从此以后,留学路上的困难,我相信都能克服得了。

"Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up."

This is my favorite line from the movie Batman Begins, a story of a terrified young man fighting with his fear and becoming a superhero.

The GAC center is where I learned to pick myself up and became a man before going abroad. The most depressing time of my studying in GAC center was the time when I got my first ACT test result. Before the test was taken, my anticipation was higher than the Empire State Building-- I was so sure that I would succeed in the test. I was too confident, to the point of arrogant, and I failed. I fell from a self-built throne to the ground with my arrogance shattered into pieces. I had been a victor, but the test result became the end of that story. Then I woke up.

Those days, the failure became part of my fear. But life goes on, college application deadline was right there, and the second ACT test was within two months, so I had to pick myself up . This time I stopped being opportunistic, I studied harder with limited time, threw away all the past glories and started fresh. I learned one thing out of this-- one must master fear in order to become a stronger man. After two months of intense test preparation, I walked into the test room once again, and this time I didn’t pray for good luck, instead, I gave myself a confident smile.



