学校师资力量雄厚,现有教职工95名,其中高级教师18人,中级教师47人。学校开展师德师能提升工程、骨干教师培养工程、青年教师成长工程,通过培养团队精神,强化施教能力,完善考核机制,注重人文关怀,提高教师队伍的整体水平。学校在师资队伍建设上真正实现了“教师个人→教研团队”的科学发展体系,“师德高尚、业务精湛、爱生敬业、乐于奉献”的教师队伍为学校可持续发展和教育均衡发展提供了核心竞争力。 学校坚持“一切为了学生终身受益”的教育理念,为每一个学生可持续发展打好基础,为每一个学生的生命质量奠基。坚持以人为本,努力营造良好的人才成长的人文环境,加大骨干教师培养选拔力度,让骨干教师、优秀教师脱颖而出,通过出名师而扬名校,名师名校育名生。全员树立“你无我有,你有我优,你优我精”的精品意识,求真务实,用心打造出“精(精品)、实(务实)、高(高标准)”学校品牌。按照“大面积提高教育教学质量,办人民满意的教育”的奋斗目标,以创建“求知创新的学园,温馨和谐的家园”为学校愿景,以“抓科研、重质量、创特色、铸品牌”为办学策略,全面构建适应新的课程改革的素质教育运行机制。充分利用学校教育资源,走教育社会化、多元化、个性化和精品化之路,不断提高学校办学的育人效益和社会效益。学校根据学生的心智结构和发展需求,注重小学和初中知识启发教育和引导教育的衔接和连贯性,挖掘潜能,开发了22门校本课程,从而使学生有了一个可持续发展的良好保障和平台。 学校办学注重突出科技特色。经过长期的调研论证,学校从“知识和能力”、“过程和方法”、“情感态度和价值观”三个方面出发形成了一套完整的教育目标、教育内容、教育目的的中学生科技教育机制,从而使得学生面对科学技术突飞猛进发展的今天,从小具有科学精神、科学思想,具有在未知道路上勇敢探索的能力,为成为新世纪高素质的社会主义现代化事业的接班人搭好了一个积极的平台。学生爱科学、学科学、用科学是学校一道亮丽的风景。 自实施新课程改革以来,全校师生兢兢业业,历经不懈努力,在教育科研、校本课程改革、体育、科技等方面获得了开拓性的发展。先后荣获“青岛市精神文明建设先进单位”“青岛市文明单位标兵”、“青岛市创建国家卫生城市先进单位”、“青岛市德育工作先进单位”、“山东省家庭教育工作先进单位”、“全国优秀家长学校”、“青岛市优秀家长学校”“青岛市依法治教示范学校”“山东省办学水平督导评估优秀等级学校”“青岛市花园式学校”“青岛市体育传统项目学校”和“青岛市规范化学校”,“青岛市工人先锋号”“青岛市卫生先进单位”等荣誉称号。在青岛市初中学校办学条件督导评估中,连续获得优秀等级。 全体51中教职员工,将秉承爱心、诚心、精心、尽心的教育服务理念,不放弃任何一个学生,倾心打造让学生满意、家长放心、社会称道的青岛市南区东部名校。 地址:永嘉路17号 联系电话:85755157 85729596 85767309 SCHOOL INTRODUCTION No.57 Middle School of Qingdao was established in 1990. The school is located at No.152 Jiangxi Road, Shinan District. l The campus size is 19901 square meters. l The number of students is more than 900. l The number of the school staff is 88. l The number of the teaching classes is 19. It is a public junior middle school belonging to Shinan district Bureau of Education, and was declared as the second batch of strengthening junior middle school of Qingdao in 2008. In the same year, under the support of Shinan Government ,and cooperated with CSE, the school was given the title of “Foreign Languages Experimental School of CSE”, which brought new opportunities and challenges. l School Vision: A good middle School with heavy traditional culture and distinct foreign language teaching. l Training Objectives: Both ability and political integrity, physical and mental health, foreign languages known, all-round development of the national spirit with a global outlook and high-quality middle school students. l Core Philosophy: Self – abnegation and Inspiration. l School Motto: Abnegate yourself to understand morality and inspire yourself to go far. l School Ethos: Be quite to explicate ambition; be erudite to go far. l Teaching Style: Help students by alternating discipline and kindness; work with colleagues by merging competition and cooperation. l Learning Style: Studious and hardworking. In running strategies, through developing traditional culture research and foreign-language feature education activities, the school formed self-confidence, self-improvement campus cultural atmosphere and match well of Chinese and western humane environment, which laid a solid foundation for the harmonious and healthy development between the teachers and students. In order to make an excellent teaching team which has high asperity and profound consideration, we started our different projects such as the Project of attracting famous teachers, young core member forging project and so on. Now we have owned many excellent teachers. We have two Municipality Excellent teachers, tree Municipality Dab teachers, four Municipality Morality Advanced teachers and thirteen Municipality Young Qualified teachers. We have also owned another 36 excellent teachers who have got different honors. In 2008 autumn, we started our English teaching experiment for Grade 7 first. We decided our new English teaching principles those are “teaching in small group, new teaching material, English listening & speaking training is in the lead followed by English reading and writing training” and we formed our own teaching type of twin-teacher for two classes with two different teaching materials. By weekly English Corner, monthly English Club activities, yearly English Festival and all kinds of outreach activities, we made the students interested in English, improved their abilities of using English and their comprehensive attainments. In 2010, we started German and French lesson, by learning them we made our students feel multivariate cultures, broadened their purview and trained them have international mentality and feelings. Our school is beautiful and the school has advanced education teaching equipment and all kinds of teaching instruments, which achieves national standard. The school has English small classrooms equipped with advanced electronic board, modern computer classroom, language classroom, multimedia classroom, well-equipped laboratory for different subjects, library, reading room etc. All of these provide favorable conditions for improving teaching quality and efficiency. Our school will maintain people-oriented school-running concept, establish cultural lead and characteristic promotion development thoughts, insist on both hardware construction and connotation development. Taking the school motto as carrier, the school vigorously builds the feature brand of Chinese traditional virtue education. Taking constructing the harmonious class as target, the school studies and reforms the classroom teaching mode and concentrates on improving education and teaching quality. With constructing foreign language experimental school, the school takes it as an opportunity to achieve the target features improving the educational quality and to build the unique brand of foreign language teaching. Adress:#152 Jiangxi Road Shinan District Qingdao Post Code: 266071 Tel:0086-0532-85909838