2010.2.22-2.28一周朗阁青岛培训中心为学员们安排了四次免费的全外教英语主题口语沙龙课,欢迎大家预约报名!(班级人数最多不超过25人) 具体安排如下: 2.23周二下午16:45-17:45 2.24周三下午16:45-17:45 2.25周四下午16:45-17:45 2.28周日下午16:45-17:45 话题如下: 1、2.23周二下午16:45-17:45 世界节日大餐 Festival Dishes of the World China has 'jiao zi' and 'mooncakes' for two of her most important festivals, but what do other countries have? When and why do they have them? 2、2.24周三下午16:45-17:45 素食主义者 Vegetarians. What do they eat? Why not meat? Are there substitutes for meat? Is fish 'meat'? 3、2.25周四下午16:45-17:45 糕点 Cake! What is 'cake', and when do we eat it? Does it have a special meaning? 4、2.28周日下午16:45-17:45 跟食物有关的俚语和表达 Expressions and 'idioms' with food! 'He wants his cake and eat it!' What does that mean? |